Google Custom Search Without Plugin

Provide A Better Search With Google Custom Search Without Plugin

Though WordPress is the best CMS – Content Management System still it fails to fulfill all the requirement in their search. For better performance, you should switch to Google custom search. WordPress search doesn’t give proper results for some query done by your readers. Google custom search engine is the way by which you can improve the search quality at your blog.

  With Google custom search you can provide an effective option by which people will easily get the results of their query on the basis of Google search engine. All the pages indexed will appear in the search of readers related to their query.

How To Add Google Custom Search In WordPress Easily ?

How to add Google custom search in WordPress? This is a question which is frequently asked by newbie bloggers. To add Google custom search on your website you can also use a plugin named WordPress Google Search. But we are all aware of the uses of plugins. It’s always recommended not to bug up with many plugins at your website. Try to use less plugins as many as possible. So to add this search without plugin you just need to follow some simple steps.

Simple Steps to Add Google Custom Search At Your Website :

Here I am going to explain some easy steps to follow :-

1. Open Google custom search engine by writing URL and you will see a page. Now you have to click at a blue box written ‘sign into custom search engine‘.

2. After signing in with your Google account a page will appear in front of you in which at the left side you will see many options in which you will see an option ‘New Search Engine’. A new window will appear in front of you. You will see a box in which you have to fill the URL of your website. The option will appear as ‘Sites To Search’. As you can see the URL of my website is written in the box. After filling the URL of your website you need to go downward and have to click on the box written ‘Create’.

3. You have successfully created your new search engine. Now you need to get the code for your WordPress site by clicking at the upper option from three option appeared. Click to ‘Get Code’. You can directly paste this code in the “Search.form” file in your theme or you can customize this custom search.

4. To customize it you can click to ‘Look And Feel’ option shown at the left side. A new page will appear in front of you. Now you can customize the boundary color, search bar color and much more. There are many other options given by which you can adjust the search appearance when any reader search any post of your blog. Overlay, Full-width, Two-page and many other schemas are shown. You can select the way you want to show the search results at your website.

5. After customization, you have to click on ‘save and get code’. Copy the code and paste it in ‘search.form’ named file of your theme. You can place this custom search engine code only in this file. Now go to Appearance->Widget. You will see a “Text” named box below which Arbitrary text or HTML will be written. You have to place where you want to show your custom search. You can add to any sidebar widget, upper widget, lower widget wherever you want.

You Have Successfully Added Google Custom Search At Your Website :

If you have followed the steps carefully then your custom search will appear at your website. Now all your visitors can search anything related to your website with this Google custom search. For beginners it;s very important to know the importance of placing this custom search at their website. If you have read many bloggers claim that while testing any website Google custom search is also considered.

Most effective stuff to remember about this custom search is that you can keep your visitors at your blog with it by providing proper search results which can’t be done by WordPress search.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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  1. Ravi,

    This is an excellent tutorial on adding a customized Google search function to our blogs. Thank your. I know a lot of people will find this valuable. So, I’m off to share.

    1. Hi Sherryl,

      Thanks for appreciation.

      It’s always good to hear from you.

      Google custom search provide better search results than WordPress. It’s worth adding at any blog.

      Have a great day. ?


  2. Hey!

    Found this thanks to Sheryl’s share. Excellent tutorial and going to share this around.

    Thanks once again!

  3. Hi Ravi,

    I visit your blog often but honestly this time I here by searching “How to create Google Custom Search with out using any plugins” via Google. Loves your post and the way you explain is awesome. Thanks for sharing Ravi.

    Have a great week.!!


    Bhavesh Patel

  4. Very nice article. You have given a step-by-step tutorial which will benefit the bloggers especially the newbies. Will share the article so that it could benefit others as well.


    1. Hi Tanveer,

      It’s great to see you here at my blog and I would like to thank you for your comment.

      I hope it will help people who are seeking for Google search.

      Have a great day. ?


  5. Hey Ravi,

    I agree with Sherryl, I’m sure a lot of people are going to find this helpful as well. It seems like these days everyone is always searching for a plugin but if I’m going to put something on my blog I’d love to find away around that. Your instructions are great.

    I’ll be sure to share this as well.


  6. We are getting much techie in our every online pursuit. Not only this but we want to do every techie work without any hard work and just search a plugin to make our task easier. But doing techie things with least relying on plugins makes you an internet guy in literal sense.

    Thanks a lot Ravi for sharing such wonderful post.

  7. Hi Ravi,

    I guess I am late to the party, though glad to be here now ?

    Yes, this surely seems to be like a wonderful tutorial that people would love, especially if you can manage to do so without a plugin – anyone would love to know it. I can see you have also used this same one on your blog on the right side. Need to try it out too!

    Thanks for sharing. Have a nice weekend ?

  8. Hi Ravi,

    That is a good thing to know – putting up custom google search without a plugin…You have written a easy to follow tutorial for this – which will be great help for the new comers…..

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